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Parenting Disputes & Unnecessary Litigation

All significant decisions relating to a child’s welfare, including their education, upbringing, accommodation and medical needs, must be taken by those with parental responsibility.  The definition of parental responsibility is set out at section 3 (1) Children Act 1989 as “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law

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International Children Conventions under review – Conclusions from the March 2024 Hague Conference on Private International Law

With nearly 100 member states across the world, the Hague Conference is perhaps the most established and well-known organisation working in the area of private international law. It is this organisation that administers two particular conventions in relation to international children law, namely: The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil

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Why is time often of the essence when it comes to Adoption?

Adoption is the legal process by which an individual or a couple become the parents of a child.  It has been a legal concept in England and Wales since the implementation of the 1926 Adoption Act although adoption can be traced right back to Roman times when male children were

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Schools and Child Arrangements Post Separation

Separation, when a relationship breaks down, can be a very stressful process for the adults involved, but even more stressful for the children who are trying to cope with the changes. School, and similarly nursery in the early stages of education, is critical in a child’s life. Children spend most

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