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Adoption and Surrogacy

Specialists in international adoption

Our lawyers are able to help those thinking about adopting a child that is currently in local authority care, a relative or a step child.

We also specialise in international adoption. This is a particularly complex, distinct area of family law – even within international family law itself. Breaches of the law and regulations carry serious criminal penalties as well as immigration difficulties for those wanting to adopt and the children involved.

Expert legal advice and assistance is absolutely crucial right from the beginning of the process.

We represent single people and couples considering international adoption and can advise and guide you through this very complex area of international family law.

If the child has been adopted in a country which is either a contracting state to the 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation with respect of Intercountry Adoption (and the adoption followed its requirements), the adoption took place before 3 January 2014 in a country listed in the Adoption (Designation of Overseas Adoptions) Order 1973 or the adoption took place on or after 3 January 2014 in a country listed in the Adoption (Recognition of Overseas Adoptions) Order 2013, the adoption will be recognised in this country.­ Details of these countries are on the UK government websites.­ An adoption order made in any other country will not be automatically recognised and you will need a UK adoption order in order to be recognised as the child’s parents in this country.­

Absolutely not.­ If the correct procedures have not been adhered to before you bring a child into this country, you may be guilty of committing a criminal offence both here and abroad.­ The offence carries a prison sentence or a fine.­ The child may be sent back home or placed in care.­ Offences such as these are regarded as very serious.­ All adoptions must be processed through a legitimate Adoption Agency.­

Payments to adopt children are illegal.

If the country where the child has its habitual residence does not have an adoption procedure in place that completely severs the legal ties between the child and the birth parent, an application for a UK adoption order will be necessary to the English High Court.­ The Court will then determine whether a full adoption order should be made or whether the child should be returned to the country concerned.

Yes and they are very important.­ It is essential that you secure the appropriate permission or a visa for the child to enter the country.­ This will depend on whether the foreign adoption order is recognised in this country or UK court proceedings will be necessary.­ Always ensure you have taken immigration advice before coming to this country with a child adopted abroad.

Although there are some common features e.g., public policy against perceived payments for buying a child abroad, there are very different aspects.­ There are only a few countries where international surrogacy occurs to any extent.­ Payment for reasonable expenses is allowed.­ A UK parental order should always be obtained.­ It is a specialist area and good legal advice is essential.

Yes.­ The process can be lengthy, at least two years and involving several meetings here and abroad with adoption agencies, and can be quite expensive.

Yes.­ An Adoption order made in Scotland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland is automatically recognised in England.

One of the best places for guidance is the government Intercountry Adoption website, which contains excellent guides and fact sheets.