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Re D (A Child) Court of Appeal hands down Important Guidance on the Role and Remit of a Solicitor Guardian in Abduction Proceedings

The Court of Appeal has today handed down its judgment in the matter of Re D (A Child) (Abduction: Child’s Objections: Representation of Child Party), in which our Partner, James Netto, represented the successful appellant child as his solicitor-guardian. The case showcases the complex issues engaged with the representation of

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Maintenance for Children: New Formula for Old Problems?

The Child Maintenance Service (CMS) has provided a mechanism for calculating the amount of maintenance payable for children since 2012.  Its predecessor, the Child Support Agency, was launched in 1993.  Having a method for calculating child maintenance is therefore not a new phenomenon.  However, the mechanisms, whilst effective, do have

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Nesting – What is it and is it Good for the Children?

Separation, when a relationship breaks down, can be a very stressful process for the adults involved, but even more stressful for the children who are trying to cope with the changes. One of the initial steps to make once the couple agrees that separation is inevitable, is to tell the

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What is the Tipstaff and what is their role?

The Tipstaff is often one of the first topics of discussion raised by new clients who have been accused of abducting their children. Questions that I am regularly asked are “What is the Tipstaff?” “What is their role in my case?” “Why did they send the police to visit me?”

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Top Tips for Resolving Child Matters when Parents Separate

In England proceedings for divorce/dissolution; financial matters and child matters are entirely separate and not everyone who separates or divorces has to apply to court to formalise arrangements for their children. In fact, in England the courts adopt a presumption of ‘no order’ when it comes to children matters, preferring

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