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Modern Families & Future Trends

The statistics produced annually by the ONS give a snapshot of the trends in relationships and families in the UK. There are often stark and sometimes shocking – seeming statistics provided annually, but the underlying trends are of greater significance for advisers. There has been a trend away from marriage

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Divorce forum disputes: when dual nationality may not be a possibility

As there can be dramatic financial and other differences for an international family in proceedings in one country or another, jurisdiction is fundamentally important.  It is sometimes based on nationality.  But some countries prevent citizens having nationality of more than one country.  International family lawyers need to be aware of

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International Res Judicata: Should Australian family law provide a second bite of the cherry when the first bite abroad was unfair or inadequate?

At the 17th Australian Family Lawyers’ Conference in Fiji, David Hodson presented a paper, written with Michael Allum giving a global overview of the circumstances in which some countries will grant financial provision even though a divorce and financial order has already been made in another country.  It asks whether

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Watershed moment for UK surrogacy law

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 (Remedial) Order 2018 comes into force today (3 January 2019) enabling single people for the very first time to apply for parental orders. Parental orders are the mechanism in the UK by which intended parents are able to become the legal parents of

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