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Unmarried Couples

Greece Legalises Marriage for Same-sex Couples

Friday 16 February 2024 was a symbolic day in Greece. A landmark bill was passed by the Hellenic Parliament legalising same-sex marriage. Greece is the first Orthodox Christian country in the world to do so. A cross-party majority of 176 lawmakers in the 300-seat parliament voted in favour of the

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Cohabiting Couples and what to do with the property when it does not work?

The recent announcement at the Labour Party conference by the shadow attorney-general Emily Thornberry MP has re-highlighted the importance of reform of rights of cohabitants. An increasing number of couples are deciding to cohabit rather than enter into a marriage or a civil partnership. According to the Research Briefing published

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Modern Families & Future Trends

The statistics produced annually by the ONS give a snapshot of the trends in relationships and families in the UK. There are often stark and sometimes shocking – seeming statistics provided annually, but the underlying trends are of greater significance for advisers. There has been a trend away from marriage

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