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Reflections on my recent trip to Australia

I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of weeks in Australia last month with David Hodson visiting some of our family lawyer friends in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth along with Singapore. Within our practice we work on many Anglo/Australian cases, so I already had a good understanding of

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Top Ten Myths in International Family Law

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about international family law issues. Here are our top 10: I have to divorce in the country where I was married If my child’s other parent refuses to allow me to relocate abroad with the children, there is nothing I can do?

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Family Law Leaves the EU: A summary guide for practitioners 2020

This new book explains Family Law in leaving the EU. Every practitioner should have a copy. ‘Family law leaves the EU: A summary guide for practitioners’ This is a new textbook published today, 20 October 2020, by LexisNexis and written by one of the world’s leading family lawyers, Prof David

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Are all Foreign Adoption orders automatically recognised in this Country?

Not all foreign adoption orders are automatically recognised in this country. Only the following adoption orders are automatically recognised in this country. Adoption orders made in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Convention adoptions. An adoption order made by a country that is a contracting state

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