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New Divorce Laws in Cyprus

The concept of ‘no fault divorce’ was finally introduced in England and Wales on 6th April 2022. The law now provides that the only ground for divorce/dissolution is irretrievable breakdown. It has removed the ‘blame game’  for couples seeking a divorce.

Change in the law is also on the cards in Cyprus. It is intended that new divorce laws will be in place by Christmas 2022. The law will become more child focussed and the procedure will also be simplified.

Some of the proposed changes include the following:

  • The introduction of the ‘amicable divorce’ which will be similar to the ‘no fault divorce’ legislation that we now have in England and Wales
  • The registration of a divorce action will be reduced from three months to six weeks
  • The same grounds for divorce will apply to all members of the public regardless of religion or whether they have had a religious or civil marriage
  • Allowing procedures for several family disputes to be processed through the same application, meaning that divorce and children proceedings can be considered at the same time

A Government Bill for the modernisation of the legislative framework governing family law in Cyprus will be brought before the House prior to Christmas.

It is often the case that when divorce proceedings are commenced, the division of financial assets is also considered. Different countries will apply different laws. This means that there will also be different financial outcomes on divorce. This certainly applies between England and Cyprus. It is therefore important to seek legal advice as soon as possible if there is any international element in your case i.e. you are a foreign national or live abroad. You will want to seek to secure jurisdiction in the country that will provide you with the best possible financial outcome.

The International Family Law Group LLP is a specialist family law firm based in London. We look after the interests of families and children with a specific focus on international families, those who travel, live, and have connections in different countries around the world.

Lucy Loizou is the Managing Partner of iFLG and deals with many cases involving Greek or Cypriot elements. She is widely known as the “go to” lawyer in the Greek community.

Lucy Loizou
[email protected]
The International Family Law Group LLP
© December 2022

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