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International Res Judicata: Should Australian family law provide a second bite of the cherry when the first bite abroad was unfair or inadequate?

At the 17th Australian Family Lawyers’ Conference in Fiji, David Hodson presented a paper, written with Michael Allum giving a global overview of the circumstances in which some countries will grant financial provision even though a divorce and financial order has already been made in another country.  It asks whether the law should exist in other countries. Please click here for the full paper.  Australian Family Lawyers’ Conference in Fiji, David Hodson presented a paper, written with Michael Allum giving a global overview of the circumstances in which some countries will grant financial provision even though a divorce and financial order has already been made in another country.  It asks whether the law should exist in other countries.

David Hodson OBE MCIArb
[email protected]
Michael Allum

[email protected]
The International Family Law Group LLP
© July 2019

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