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Top Ten Myths in International Family Law

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about international family law issues.

Here are our top 10:
  • I have to divorce in the country where I was married
  • If my child’s other parent refuses to allow me to relocate abroad with the children, there is nothing I can do?
  • I’m okay, my same sex marriage will be recognised across the world
  • My husband’s foreign lawyer is dealing with the divorce and finances and all I have to do is sign
  • I can pay to adopt a child from another country
  • English courts cannot touch my assets abroad
  • It is not Child Abduction if I go back to my home country with our child
  • All orders can be enforced anywhere in the world
  • England does not recognise polygamy
  • Any lawyer can do family law with international aspects

If you have any international family law queries please contact us by telephone on +44 (0)203 178 5668 or below

David Hodson OBE MCIArb
[email protected]
The International Family Law Group LLP
© December 2020
Updated © September 2023

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