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How a ‘Start-Up’ might ‘End-Up’ Upon Divorce in England

The last thing an entrepreneur has is time! Therefore, if an issue as personally and emotionally exhausting as family breakdown should arise the potential for it to cause a harmful distraction from work needs to be managed carefully. Part I of this article explains the sorts of scenarios where entrepreneurs

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Welcome back to our much loved Sole Domicile

One of the features of the new family law landscape on the UK leaving the EU is the re-emergence of sole domicile, a jurisdictional connecting feature in English law over many decades.  It is now a primary basis for divorce as it was until the end of February 2001 when

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How to keep your divorce amicable

As a divorce lawyer (specialising in cases with an international connection), I often see how acrimonious divorces can become with cases ending up in Court, and sometimes taking years to conclude. This can be a stressful time for all involved, emotions often run high and sadly children can often become

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Do the UAE Visa changes really help divorcees?

According to the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, UAE: ‘The aim is to give women the opportunity to adjust their social and economic status after the loss of the head of the family’ What are the new Rules for Divorcees in UAE? Since 21 October 2018 divorcees living in

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