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The Scandal of Costs in Financial Remedy Proceedings in English Family Law

Executive summary Over the past few years and increasing in intensity, High Court and Court of Appeal judges have strongly condemned very high and/or disproportionate legal costs in financial remedy claims. This is troubling and not good for the reputation of English family law and family lawyers including with their

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Family law using Crypto Service?

Executive summary England and Wales as a jurisdiction has been at the cutting-edge of using technology for the benefit of the justice system.  The High Court in civil proceedings has just allowed service of proceedings via a non-fungible token (NFT).  When and in what circumstances might that be appropriate in

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Must I share my future bonuses with my ex-spouse?

With awards of annual bonuses for many fast approaching and predictions that bonuses in the banking sector this year will be high; this article considers how bonus payments are dealt with upon divorce and for how long after separation they might be shared with a former spouse or civil partner.

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Consequences on English family law of the UK leaving the EU

Executive summary The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, but the law stayed the same until 11 PM on 31 December 2020. From that time onwards, EU laws no longer applied in England and Wales in respect of new proceedings. But the consequence of transitional arrangements is that

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England’s new divorce law from April 2022

Prof David Hodson OBE KC(Hons) MCIArb writes about the new no-fault divorce law coming into force in April 2022, drawing attention to its significant benefits but also highlighting some of the problems likely to occur in practice. Executive summary From 6 April 2022 England and Wales has a new divorce

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