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Must I share my future bonuses with my ex-spouse?

With awards of annual bonuses for many fast approaching and predictions that bonuses in the banking sector this year will be high; this article considers how bonus payments are dealt with upon divorce and for how long after separation they might be shared with a former spouse or civil partner.

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Heterosexual Civil Partnerships

This article updates answers in 2022  regarding points originally posed to Lucy Greenwood by BBB in February 2020, shortly after heterosexual civil partnerships were introduced to England. An international/multinational couple who enter into a civil partnership either because they are over the romantic/proposal phase or over the age for weddings

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How Family Lawyers Can Help Jewish Wives Obtain a Get

The Importance of Obtaining a Jewish Divorce a ‘Get’ It is essential for all Jewish wives to ensure their husbands grant them a ‘Get’ (a Jewish divorce) as well as a civil divorce. Without a ‘Get’, neither party is free to remarry in the Jewish faith even if the parties

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Last Dates for Filing Divorce Applications Using Existing Law

The new no-fault divorce law pursuant to the divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 comes into effect on 6 April 2022 and applies to marriage, civil partnership and nullity cases, but what about the practicalities surrounding the filing of existing applications prior to 6 April 2022? With many in the

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Consequences on English family law of the UK leaving the EU

Executive summary The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, but the law stayed the same until 11 PM on 31 December 2020. From that time onwards, EU laws no longer applied in England and Wales in respect of new proceedings. But the consequence of transitional arrangements is that

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