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Contact Activity

Contact Activity

An innovation introduced in late 2008 to encourage compliance with contact orders. It is a programme intended to facilitate and monitor contact and which either one or both parents may be asked to complete. The activity is free of charge if the parent is publicly funded, but if not, the parent may not have to pay if they can claim financial hardship. When making a contact order, a Court can direct or order that they attend one of the following activities:

  1. Information / Assessment Meeting about Mediation. A one-off session to provide information and / or assess suitability of mediation
  2. Parenting Information Programmes, typically two, two-hour group work sessions intended to encourage safe and beneficial contact by providing support through information on parenting after separation, how parents and their children can be affected and ways to change things for the better
  3. Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes, intensive sixty hours’ intervention aimed at challenging and addressing abusive behaviour of the participants. Victims and any current partners may also be involved